The red deer stag season runs from July 1st to October 20th but mostly happens from August onwards and the last three weeks are particularly important in this glen. Hind (female red deer) stalking takes place from October 21st to February 15th.
Estates are given, by the Authorities, figures for the numbers of deer that need to be culled to keep the population healthy and to protect the environment, and it is essential that stalkers are able to carry out the cull.
Grouse Shooting
The Grouse Shooting season runs from August 12th to December 10th but is mostly carried out in August and September in this area. The red grouse is native to the Scottish moors and is not raised artificially. However, the habitat is improved by burning small patches of heather (muirburn) usually in late winter/early spring which improves the heather which is the staple food of grouse and other native birds together with insects. If you see hillsides alight at these times, it is more than likely to be muirburn taking place and not a cause for alarm. This practice also helps the habitats of other moorlands birds such as golden plover, meadow pipits, field fares.
Red deer stalking is an important landuse in the Rannoch area.
The East Loch Ericht Deer Management Group coordinates deer management on 12 estates lying between Loch Ericht, Loch Rannoch and the A9. The total area extends to nearly 90,000 acres of wild uplands and moorland. Several parts of the site are designated for their rare conservation interests including the Drumochter Hills under SSSI, SAC and SPA status reflecting the unique range of species, habitats and landforms present. Deer management is coordinated to ensure a healthy Red deer herd in balance with the available habitat with an annual harvest of around 1,000 deer providing delicious local venison. Stalking opportunities are available through the various members who can be contacted via the Group Secretary, James james.adamson@savills.com
‘The Group had a 10 year deer management plan running from 2016 which can be read on the Group’s website